
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Stefan’s Diaries: Origins Chapter 22

The week of the Founders Ball came with a cold spell that settled into Mystic Falls and refused to leave. Ladies walked around town in midafternoon in wool coats and shawls, and the evenings were cloudy and starless. Out in the field, workers fretted about an early frost. Still, that didn't stop people from as far away as Atlanta coming into town for the ball. The boarding-house was full, and the entire town had a carnival-like air in the days leading up to the event. Damon was back at Veritas, his mysterious tenure with the brigade over. I hadn't told him that Katherine and I were attending the Founders Ball, and he hadn't asked. Instead, I'd busied myself with work, feeling renewed vigor about taking over Veritas. I wanted to prove to Father that I was serious about the estate and about growing up and assuming my place in the world. He'd been giving me more responsibility, allowing me to look over the ledgers and even encouraging me to go to Richmond with Robert to attend a livestock auction. I could see my life, ten years from now. I'd run Veritas, and Katherine would run the inside of the home, hosting parties and playing the occasional card game at night with Father. The night of the ball, Alfred knocked on my door. â€Å"Sir? Do you require any assistance?† he asked as I swung the door open. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. I was dressed in a black long-tailed coat and tie, with my hair slicked back. I looked older, more confident. Alfred followed my gaze. â€Å"Looking smart, sir,† he allowed. â€Å"Thank you. I'm ready,† I said, my heart fluttering in excitement. Last night, Katherine had teased me mercilessly, not giving me any clues as to what she was going to wear. I couldn't wait to see her. I knew she'd be the most beautiful girl at the ball. More important, she was mine. I headed down the stairs, relieved that Damon was nowhere to be found. I wondered whether he was attending the Founders Ball with some of his army friends or perhaps one of the town's girls. He'd been distant lately, impossible to find in the morning and at the tavern at night. Outside, the horses were pawing at the drive. I entered the waiting coach, which clip-clopped its way to the carriage house. I glanced out the window, and noticed Katherine and Emily standing at the front door. Emily wore a simple black silk dress, but Katherine †¦ I had to press my back into the carriage seat to keep from jumping out of the moving coach. Her dress was emerald green, nipping in at the waist dress was emerald green, nipping in at the waist before flowing over her hips. The bodice was low and tight and showed off her creamy white skin, and her hair was pulled back on the top of her head, exposing her graceful, swan-like neck. The second Alfred pulled back on the horses' reins, I opened the door of the coach and hopped out, smiling broadly as Katherine's eyes caught mine. â€Å"Stefan!† Katherine breathed, lifting her skirts slightly as she glided down the stairs. â€Å"Katherine.† I gently kissed her cheek before I offered my arm to her. Together, we turned and walked toward the carriage, where Alfred stood with the door open. The road to Mystic Falls was filled with unfamiliar coaches of all shapes and sizes, leading to the Lockwood mansion on the far end of town. I felt a thrill of anticipation. This was the first time I'd ever escorted a girl to the Founders Ball. In all previous years, I'd spent most of the evenings playing poker with my friends. Invariably some sort of disaster happened. Last year, Matthew Hartnett had gotten drunk on whiskey and had accidentally unhitched the horses from his parents' coach, and two years ago, Nathan Layman had gotten into a fistfight with Grant Vanderbilt, and both ended up with broken noses. We slowly made our way up to the mansion, finally reaching the front walk. Alfred stopped the horses and let us out. I laced my fingers with Katherine's, and together we walked through the open doors of the mansion and headed toward the dining room. The high-ceilinged room had been cleared of all furniture, and the candlelight lent a warm, mysterious glow to the walls. A band in the corner played Irish reels, and couples were already beginning to dance, even though the night was young. I squeezed Katherine's hand, and she smiled up at me. â€Å"Stefan!† I whirled around and saw Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright. I dropped Katherine's hand immediately. Mrs. Cartwright's eyes were red, and she was positively gaunt compared to the last time I saw her. Meanwhile, Mr. Cartwright seemed to have aged ten years. His hair was snow-white, and he was walking with the aid of a cane. Both wore purple sprigs of vervain–a tuft stuck out of Mr. Cartwright's breast pocket, and the flowers were woven into Mrs. Cartwright's hat–but other than that, they were clad entirely in black, for mourning. â€Å"Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright,† I said, my stomach clenching with guilt. In truth, I'd nearly forgotten that Rosalyn and I had been engaged. â€Å"It's good to see you.† â€Å"Y could have seen us sooner if you'd come ou to call on us,† Mr. Cartwright said. He could barely hide the contempt in his voice when his gaze landed on Katherine. â€Å"But I understand you must have been in deep †¦ grief as well.† â€Å"I will come now that I know you're taking visitors,† I said lamely, tugging at my collar, which suddenly felt quite tight around my neck. â€Å"No need,† Mrs. Cartwright said icily as she reached into her sleeve to pull out a handkerchief. Katherine clasped Mrs. Cartwright's hand. Mrs. Cartwright looked down, an expression of shock on her face. A wave of apprehension ran through me, and I fought the urge to step between them and shield Katherine from their anger. But then Katherine smiled, and amazingly, both Cartwrights smiled back. â€Å"Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, I am so sorry for your loss,† she said warmly, holding their gazes. â€Å"I lost my parents during the Atlanta siege, and I know how hard it is. I didn't know Rosalyn well, but I do know she will never be forgotten.† Mrs. Cartwright blew her nose noisily, her eyes watering. â€Å"Thank you, dear,† she said reverentially. Mr. Cartwright patted his wife on the back. â€Å"Y thank you.† He turned to me, compassion es, replacing the scorn that had occupied his eyes just moments earlier. â€Å"And please take care of Stefan. I know he's suffering.† Katherine smiled as the couple rejoined the crowd. I gaped in amazement. â€Å"Did you compel them? † I asked, the word tasting bitter in my mouth. â€Å"No!† Katherine placed her hand over her heart. â€Å"That was good, old-fashioned kindness. Now, let's dance,† she said, tugging me toward the large ballroom. Luckily, the dance floor was a crush of bodies and the lighting was low, so it was almost impossible to make out specific people. Flower garlands hung from the ceiling, and the marble floor was waxed to a sheen. The air was hot and cloying, with the scent of hundreds of competing perfumes. I put my hand on Katherine's shoulders and tried to relax into the waltz. But I still felt jumpy. The conversation with the Cartwrights had stirred my conscience, making me feel vaguely disloyal to Rosalyn's memory, and to Damon. Had I betrayed him somehow by not telling him that Katherine and I were at the ball together? Was it wrong that I'd been grateful for his prolonged absences? The band stopped, and as women adjusted their dresses and grasped their partners' hands again, I headed toward the refreshment table in the corner. â€Å"Are you all right, Stefan?† Katherine asked, gliding up beside me, worry lines creasing her lovely forehead. I nodded, but I didn't break my stride. â€Å"Just thirsty,† I lied. â€Å"Me too.† Katherine stood expectantly as I ladled the dark-red punch into a crystal tumbler. I passed the glass to her and watched as she drank deeply, wondering if that was what she looked like when she drank blood. When she placed the glass on the table, she had the slightest trace of red liquid around her mouth. I couldn't help it. With my index finger I wiped the drop off the side of her bow-shaped mouth. Then I put my finger in my own mouth. It tasted sweet and tangy. â€Å"Are you sure you're all right?† Katherine asked. â€Å"I'm worried about Damon,† I confessed as I poured myself a glass of punch. â€Å"But why?† Katherine asked, genuine confusion registering on her face. â€Å"Because of you,† I said simply. Katherine took the tumbler from me and led me away from the refreshment table. â€Å"He's like a brother to me,† she said, touching my brow with her icy fingers. â€Å"I'm like his little sister. Y know ou this.† â€Å"But all those times when I was sick? When you and he were together? It seemed like †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"It seemed like I needed a friend,† Katherine said firmly. â€Å"Damon's a flirt. He doesn't want to be tied down, nor would I want to be tied to him. Y ou are my love, and Damon is my brother.† All around us, couples swirled in the semi- darkness, dipping in time to the music and laughing gaily at private jokes, seemingly without a care in the world. They, too, had to worry about attacks and the war and heartbreak, but they still laughed and danced. Why couldn't I as well? Why did I always have to doubt myself? I glanced at Katherine. A dark curl had come loose from her updo. I tucked it behind her ear, relishing the silky feel of the strands between my fingers. Longing coursed through me, and as I stared into her deep brown eyes, all feelings of guilt and unease vanished. â€Å"Shall we dance?† asked Katherine, taking my hand and pressing it to her cheek. Through the crowded dance floor, I spotted Father, Mr. Cartwright, and the rest of the Founders whispering furiously in a far corner. â€Å"No,† I whispered huskily. â€Å"Let's go home.† I grabbed Katherine's shoulder, and we whirled around the dance floor until we reached the kitchen, where servants were busily preparing refreshments. Hand in hand, we tore through the kitchen–much to the confusion of the servants –and exited at the back of the house. We sprinted into the night, oblivious to the cold air, the shrieks of laughter from the mansion, and the fact that we'd just run out on the social event of the season. The coach was tied near the Lockwoods' stable. Alfred was no doubt playing craps with the other servants. â€Å"After you, my lady,† I said, lifting Katherine by the waist and placing her in the passenger seat. I hoisted myself up to the driver's seat and cracked the whip, which immediately caused the horses to start clip-clopping in the direction of home. I grinned at Katherine. We had an entire evening of freedom in front of us, and it was intoxicating. No having to sneak into the carriage house. No skirting the servants. Just hours of uninterrupted bliss. â€Å"I love you!† I yelled, but the wind stole the words as soon as they left my mouth. I imagined them traveling with the breeze, floating through the entire world until every person in every town knew of my love. Katherine stood up in the coach, her curls whipping wildly around her face. â€Å"I love you, too!† she shouted, and then collapsed into giggles on the seat. By the time we got back to the carriage house, we were both sweaty and red-cheeked. The second we reached Katherine's chambers, I pulled the dress off her slim frame and, seized by my passion, gently ran my teeth against her neck. â€Å"What are you doing?† She stepped back and stared at me sharply. â€Å"I'm just †¦Ã¢â‚¬  What was I doing? Playacting? Trying to seem as if Katherine and I were the same? â€Å"I guess I wanted to know how you feel when you †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Katherine bit her lip. â€Å"Maybe someday you'll find out, my innocent, sweet Stefan.† She lay back on the bed, arranging her hair on the snow-white goose-down pillow. â€Å"But right now, all I want is you. â€Å" I lay down next to her, tracing the curve of her chin with my index finger as I put my lips to hers. The kiss was so soft and tender that I felt her essence and mine combine, creating a force that was larger than ourselves. We explored each other's bodies as if for the first time. In the dim light of her chambers, I was never sure where reality ended and my dreams began. There was no shame, no expectation, just passion and desire, and a sense of danger that was mysterious and beautiful and consuming. That night, I would have allowed Katherine to consume me entirely and claim me for her own. I would have gladly offered up my neck if it meant that we could have stayed locked in that embrace for all of eternity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Business Research Methods Essay

1. Distinguish among the following sets of items, and suggest the significance of each in a research context: a. Concept and construct – A concept is a generally accepted collection of meanings or characteristics that are concrete whereas a construct is image or idea invented for a particular theory or research problem; a construct is an abstract concept. To successfully perform a research, we must form common ground; hence, the need for concepts and constructs. b. Deduction and induction – a deduction is a conclusive inference while an induction is a conclusion from one or more pieces of evidence. c. Operational definition and dictionary definition – an operational definition is a definition based on measurement criteria that have empirical reference while a dictionary definition is based on synonyms. d. Concept and variable – a concept is a generally accepted collection of meanings or characteristics associated with certain events while a variable is value or set of values related to a property being studied. e. Hypothesis and proposition – A hypothesis is a is a declarative statement that states a belief while a proposition is a statement about concepts that may be regarded as true or false. f. Theory and model – a theory is a set of systematically inter-related concepts, definitions and propositions that are advanced to explain and predict phenomena while a model is a representation of a system that is constructed to study some aspect of the system. g. Scientific method and scientific attitude – The scientific method deals with rationalism and empiricism: formal structured proofs and observable, concrete data; the scientific attitude deals with curiosity 2. Describe the characteristics of the scientific method a. Direct observation of phenomena b. Clearly defined variables, methods and procedures c. Empirically testable hypotheses d. The ability to rule rival hypotheses e. Statistical justification f. Self-correcting process 3. What are the differences among the research approaches (and thinking styles) that guide the predominant kinds of studies done in operations research, marketing, finance and/or organizational behaviour? – There are six different styles of thinking: Postulational – rational and idealistic, Self-evident truth – fairly rational and idealistic, Method of authority – fairly rational and idealistic, Literary – informal and interpretative, Untested opinion – Very informal and fairly idealistic and finally, there is the scientific method which is empirical and rational. 4. Here are some terms commonly found in a management setting. Are they concepts or constructs? Give two different operational definitions for each. a. First-line supervisor – concept; person directly in charge of line workers; person reporting to unit manager b. Employee morale – construct; that which is measured by how an employee feels toward the job; that which is measured by how often an employee reports for work on time c. Assembly line – concept; area where the items are assembled; area where line workers spend most of their day d. Overdue account – concept; account balance that is past 30 days; an account where the amount owed is past 60 and less than 25% has been paid toward the balance. e. Line management – concept; person to whom all line supervisors report; head of each functional area f. Leadership – construct; quality defined by how many persons emulate this person; quality defined by a rating by asking persons how good a leader is the subject under study g. Price-earnings ratio – concept; the measure of how much an incumbent makes in reference to an average in the same job position; the amount someone makes in reference to others in similar jobs, having similar education and experience and within similar industries, in the same region. h. Union democracy- construct; the measure of how people say they have a say in the union; the measure of how the union heads have proceeded to do what the majority of the members asked. i. Ethical standards – construct; the value tha t an employee places on a variable; the untested opinion of how employees feel about the ethics within a company on a scale of 1-10. 5. In your company’s management development program, there was a heated discussion between some people who claimed: â€Å"Theory is impractical and thus no good†, and others who claimed: â€Å"Good theory is the most practical approach to problems†. What position would you take and why? – I would take neither side. Both statements have their value and can be argued at length. In support of the first statement: this falls into one of two categories: untested opinion or self-evident truth. Some say that theory is the opposite of fact and does not form a practical approach to problems, for solutions require facts. In support of the second statement: theory forms a systematic set of concepts, definitions and propositions that are advanced to explain and predict phenomena. Therefore, theory can be used as a good starting point for factual explanations. In my opinion, good theory and fact-based rationale are necessary; a good balance of both is required. 6. An automobile manufacturer observes the demand for its brand (DV) increasing per capita income increases (IV). Sales increases also follow low interest rates (MV), which ease credit conditions. Buyer purchase behaviour is seen to be dependent on age (IVV) and gender (IVV). Other factors influencing sales appear to fluctuate almost randomly (competitor advertising (EV), competitor dealer discounts (EV), introductions of new competitive models (EV)). a. If sales and per capita income are positively related, classify all variables as dependent, independent, moderating, extraneous or intervening. b. Comment on the utility of a model based on the hypothesis – DV depends directly on IV. MV is a secondary independent variable affecting the DV. The EVs are used to show variables that occur randomly or those that can be safely ignored. The IVVs are used to show variables that theoretically affect the DV, but have not actually been empirically in the study. 7. You observer the following condition: â€Å"Our female sales representative have lower customer defections than do our male sales representatives†. a. Propose the concepts and constructs you may use to study this phenomena – concepts and constructs: male definition; female definition; customer; customer defections (construct) b. How might any of these concepts/constructs be related to explanatory hypotheses? – the explanatory, or casual hypothesis, of female reps having lower customer defections than male reps can be tested by using research questions, built from concepts, constructs and definitions 8. You are the office manager of a large firm. Your company prides itself on its high quality customer service. Lately complaints have surfaced that an increased number of calls are being misrouted and dropped. Yesterday, when passing by the main reception area, you noticed the receptionist fiddling with his hearing aid. In the process, a call came in and would have gone unanswered if not for your intervention. The particular receptionist had earned a poor review for the last 3 months. Your inclination is to urge this 20-year employee to retire or to fire him. You know the individual is well liked and is seen as a fixture in the company. a. Pose several hypotheses that might account for dropped or misrouted calls. – the employee is too old to handle the load; employee cannot afford a proper hearing aid, the lack of which causes problems in directing calls properly, or answering calls in a timely manner; there is a problem with the phone routing system; there is a problem with the main phone at the call desk. b. Using the double movement of reflective thought, show how you would test these hypotheses – fact: calls are being misrouted; induction: why are calls not reaching their proper destination; hypothesis: any of the above; deduction: calls will be misrouted if the operator’s h earing aid is mal-functioning. 9. The Institute of Transport Engineers, a nationwide trade association with thousands of members, was dissatisfied with the way that State Farm arrived at its dangerous intersection list. a. If the ITE were to conduct a study of its own, what constructs and concepts would they define differently? – concepts and constructs defined differently: dangerous intersection; crash claim b. What hypotheses would ITE formulate to guide its version of the dangerous intersection study? – dangerous intersections have already been identified by engineers; dangerous intersections lack certain security features; dangerous intersections have a high volume of accidents 10. Identify and classify all the variables in the army’s â€Å"dud-shell† research – a. Dud shell (DV) b. Shell that explodes (IV) c. Persons coming into contact (EV) 11. What was Myra’s hypothesis for the army’s dud-shell research? What was the army’s hypothesis? – She believed that the dud-shell was incorrectly defined; she hypothesized that the dud-shells defined by the army were not all dud-shells, but were comprised of both dud-shells and shells that have a delayed exploding time; Myra’s hypothesis was: Civilians were coming in contact with potentially dangerous shells that could explode when manipulated. The army’s hypothesis was: shells that did not explode on impact were inert. 12. Graph your inductions and deductions in the following statements. If there are gaps, supply what is needed to make them complete arguments. a. Repeated studies indicate that economic conditions vary with – and lag 6 to 12 months behind – changes in the national money supply. Therefore, we may conclude that money is the basic economic variable. – induction: what causes economic conditions to vary; deduction: available money causes an alteration in economic conditions. b. Research studies show that heavy smokers have a higher rate of lung cancer than no smokers; therefore, heavy smoking causes lung cancer. – induction: does smoking increase the risk of lung cancer? Deduction: smoking does increase the risk of lung cancer. c. Show me a person who goes to church regularly and I will show you a reliable worker. – induction: what makes a reliable worker? Deduction: a regular church patron makes a reliable worker.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Foundations of a common European home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foundations of a common European home - Essay Example r doors to migrations of selective groups notably: southern Europeans including Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese, as well as the recruitment of Turks for work in West Germany, Magrebians in France, and West Indian and Asians in the UK.1 What this meant is that Europe, immigration and, most importantly, the rapid industrialization would lay the foundations for the concept of a â€Å"common European home† in the 1950s and 1960s. In a bid to reassert their power in the postwar setting, countries in Europe, particularly Germany, France and Great Britain encouraged immigration, as many jobs were needed to filled. Most of these were factory work – those who were avoided by the nationals. The source of immigrants came from the poorer European countries, initially, and when these countries closed the wage gap with its more affluent neighbors, immigration and labor recruitment started to be sourced from the European colonies such as in South Asia and Africa.2 As migrant laborers renew their working contracts time and time again, they eventually laid down roots and a sense of residential permanency that they strove to legalize. Because of this, European governments have devised ways to integrate these immigrants into their respective societies drafting legislation to the same effect. For instance, we have the case of the West Berlin’s policy during the 1950s where the city government espoused the self -help philosophy in political-cultural integration. The functional approach that the city adopted has downplayed ethnic differences and made the immigrant-origin population an integral part of all local departmental and institutional mandates.3 This has cultivated a multicultural society somewhat akin to a common European home for European nationalities. Later on, sometime in 1975, European countries such as France and West Germany would enact family reunification policies wherein foreigners could settle permanently in the country along with their families.4 Because of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Materials for Snowboard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Materials for Snowboard - Essay Example It had a rope attached to the front tip of the snurfer (board) which offered the rider some control, and there were steel tacks poking through the upper deck for putting the rider's feet in place. Snowboarding then gradually started gaining popularity in the 1970's and 80's, when Snowboarding pioneers like Dimitrije Milovich, (East Coast surfer), and Jake Burton Carpenter unveiled new snowboard designs, related materials and machineries. The development has been quite phenomenal since then. By the end of 20th century there are hardly any Ski-resorts around the world without the snowboarding facility. This game has so far gained more popularity in Europe and USA, with rapid stride in other parts of the world as well. Snowboards are generally similar in construction with exception to some tooling modifications. Some designers think that Cap Construction enhances edge hold on hard snow and generally improves board responsiveness while others contend that caps are harder to repair if the sidewall is damaged. Both types have proved their merits though. Snowboards are categorized into groups like race, alpine, all-mountain/all-around/free-riding and half-pipe/free-style depending upon the style of snowboarding. Snowboards are fabricated from advanced composite materials. Composites are combinations of two materials. One of the materials, called the reinforcing phase, is in the form of fibers, sheets, or particles, and is embedded in the other material/s called the matrix phase. The reinforcing material and the matrix material can be metal, ceramic, or polymer. Typically, reinforcing materials are strong with low densities while the matrix is usually a ductile, or tough, material. The eight main materials in a snowboard are: Topsheet with printed graphic Fiber glass or epoxy Wood or foam core Steel inserts Plastic base, (P-tex) Metal edges Resin Sytsem (glue) Rubber Foil Anatomy of Snowboard The length of metal edge on the Snowboard which touches the snow is the effective part that is used to make a turn. So, it does not include the edge of the tip and tail. The effective edge is in contact with the snow when the board is in a carved turn. A longer effective edge makes for a more stable, controlled ride; a shorter effective edge makes for a looser, easier turning board. Contact points are the points at which the board makes contact with the snow without the pressure of the rider being displaced on the board. This is also called the board's "wheel base". Snowboard construction also differs in the type of materials used in several layers. A Snowboard is constructed in the following steps; i. A layer of UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight) polyethylene or plastic commonly known as P-Tex (its brand name) is placed at the bottom of the board. This provides the slippery surface that makes the snowboard slide on snow. During the winter months wax is added to this base to keep it running fast. ii. This

Saturday, July 27, 2019

New Virtual Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New Virtual Society - Essay Example in Brown 30). In this respect, for example, while terminating relationships or turning down a candidate for open job position, a lot of individuals prefer to substitute face-to-face conversations for virtual methods of communication in order to avoid any embarrassment and try to prevent oneself from any negative emotions. 2. Cyberspace helps to widen communication and diversify person’s social ties, which, despite all advantages of virtual life, can stay quite unstable and weak. For instance, Brown states that â€Å"someone with more than 3,000 Facebook friends probably has more than 2,000 shallow friendships† (31). Even though, being a former classmate, coworker or merely an acquaintance from exhibition, each so-called â€Å"friend† from such a long list may have different relation to the owner of profile, not many social networks admit this disparity and provide relevant additional options for their users. â€Å"In the new Virtual Society, we will see an increasing transition from basic matchmaking sites to sites that enable people to actually go out on online â€Å"dates† without ever leaving their desks. While face-to-face dating will never entirely disappear, the process - and even relationships themselves - will happen more and more in virtual space† (Brown 30) According to the latest forecasts, in the future, dating sites will be more advanced implementing technological option that ensures virtuality of face-to-face dates. Hence, users will not be forced to leave their houses in case they wish to meet someone. Therefore, along with existence of traditional dating, virtual relationships and meetings will be widely popularized (Brown 30). â€Å"More and more people regard the virtual world as a place where they can establish and maintain safer, less demanding relationships on their own time. Ease, flexibility, and relative anonymity will continue to be three key components on

Friday, July 26, 2019

GYN URI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GYN URI - Essay Example Getting off the Depo might decrease patient risk for OP in the future. Nexplanon is hormones- releasing birth control implement does not need daily taken or monthly injection placed under skin for long-acting methods http://www.nexplanon-usa.com/en/consumer/about-it/what-is-nexplanon/index.asp Furthermore, clinicians should educate the patient about LARCs.  Paragards are great in terms of length of efficacy. According to Hatcher et all (2007) in  Contraceptive Technology, women who experience irregular/heavy bleeding are significantly more likely to discontinue use of the IUD (p. 139), stating that 1 month follow up after insertion and use of NSAIDS can help reduce bleeding and rates of discontinuation.   So let us throw in the ACA and women access to contraceptive choices. These federal changes will include MAJOR changes in previously unavailable methods of birth control for the under or uninsured. I am going to refer to the ACNMs most recent survey, and now being heavily disseminated to media outlets, on womens perceptions of contraceptive choices. This is IMPORTANT for you to know, most women are unaware of the most effective methods, and many were previously not insured to receive LARC. http://ourmomentoftruth.midwife.org/OMOT-Contraception-and-Family-Planning. To learn MORE about ACA implantation. Depo-Provera use is not recommended for more than 2 years due to its effect on bone mineral density (BMD) loss in women. â€Å"On average women who used Depo have a BMD similar to non- users within two to three years after stopping the shots† (Flinn, 2011). Flinn indicates that the recovery of bone mass density is relative to the length of time a women used the Depo injections. Women who used Depo longer than a year were noted to take as long as 7 years before returning to their original BMD levels. Patient is at risk for osteoporosis due to age, race, and ethnicity. The clinician should make

Business Continuity Mnagement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Continuity Mnagement - Essay Example This study will evaluate the events or the reasons, which led to the businesses seeking more than recovery of data; it will highlight the key elements that differentiate BCM from Disaster Recovery. Recovery implies to recover something that has been lost; the recovery may be in part or in full. Continuity, on the other hand suggests business carries on as usual and the impact of failure may be minimal, if at all. BCM deals with the threats that confront any business. Insurance may cover the cost of the fixed assets but cannot cover the opportunity loss or the market share that any business may lose (Smith 2002). The September 11 terrorist attack on the US, the cases of Anthrax virus infiltrations, frequent hackers breaking into the corporate systems, and natural disasters like Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, may capture the headlines, but almost 90% of the crises are â€Å"quiet catastrophes† according to Smith. It is these catastrophes that damage the organization’s brand and reputation. Research too indicates that the shareholder price value increased of those companies who managed to successfully handle the crises compared to those who could not handle the situ ation well. In 1989, a large volume of case studies were published, covering mostly crises that had occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. Throughout this period, as the two fields gradually consolidated, the formation of three mindsets was developed. Namely, the technology mindset during the 1970s, which was limited to assuming that crisis, was initiated solely to computer systems and facilities. Moreover, in the 1980s organizations adopted an auditing approach which was broader in scope but did not comprehend the full picture. The inauguration of the following decade saw the development of the value based mindset, which is concerned less with compliance, regulations, or technology failure than with the needs of the business itself. The success of a company lies in its ability to continue business

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Solicitors and Barristers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Solicitors and Barristers - Essay Example eyes, ears, hands or legs - and they either work in unison or complement each other in such a way that the result or consequence is seen as a perfect acceptance by a single receptor. This perfect, clock-like arrangement of the human organ pairs prove the point that in order to achieve greater, faster, easier and more accurate results, sometimes it becomes necessary to break up functions or decentralize so that there is greater efficiency in performance. Law, a study and practice followed by both, solicitors and barristers, has a great historical origin. (Symmetry in homes)1. The legal code began to take shape and take roots as early as the 8th century BC when the Greeks first became a world power and a with a firm, military discipline, laid the foundations of a system of law which was initially draconian. However, it was superseded by a more methodical and humane system by Solon. Finding themselves in confusion due to violent revolt by the people, the oligarchy called upon Solon, known for his wisdom and uprightness, to establish a rule of law. Following a course of a difficult, bloody period of wars and dissension, Solon drafted an all-encompassing legal code which found favor with the oligarchy. (A History of Ancient Greece)2 The Romans were responsible for improving upon the Spartan laws and many of our modern legal concepts were founded by them. They were the first to acknowledge that the citizenry had certain rights and actively pursued means to voice these rights to their people. Civil laws, contract laws, property and personal rights, use of evidence in a court of law, use of a legal will, are some of the legal concepts brought into being by the Romans. (Legal Concepts Based on the Ancient Romans)3. Lawyers Lawyers are called by many names - notably advocates, attorneys, barristers, counselors, solicitors, notaries. A lawyer or attorney at law is an individual licensed by the state to advise clients in legal matters and represent them in courts of law and other legal agencies. Most countries today require professional law advisors in their juridical systems. Different countries have different systems and practices based on which the lawyers are classified. For instance, lawyers are invariably referred to as attorneys or counselors in the USA. In England, the system is more elaborately laid out where the functions for barristers and solicitors are specified. Elsewhere too, the functions are divided and laid out in such manner as is beneficial for speedier and fairer dispensation of justice. Many countries also follow the law system where a person who is not a qualified lawyer could be empanelled as a member of the jury on the strength of his or her social and professional standing. In countries like India, persons with a good history of social service, irrespective of his educational qualificatio ns, are designated as "special magistrates" and allowed to settle certain local disputes. Of course, these are only so at the lower levels where it would be otherwise very difficult to cope with pending cases. (Lawyers, Nature of the work)4. Coming back to the United States, almost anyone can be an attorney. And in this situation, an attorney is similar to an agent, a person who has been formally empowered by someone else to act on behalf of the principal. Lawyers are "attorneys at

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Juvenile Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Juvenile Justice - Essay Example Juvenile court proceedings were not open to the public and were left to the discretion of the juvenile court judge. Records were confidential to protect the juvenile’s privacy and promote his/her chances for rehabilitation, reuniting with family and rejoining into society. Because of some tensions, such as concentration on the juvenile’s welfare against concentration on his/her incapacities, deserved punishment, and the protection of society from the juvenile’s misdemeanors; different juvenile justice systems were established in every state and jurisdiction (McCord, Widom & Crowell 154). All systems of the states of California, North Dakota and South Carolina have the same goal: the treatment and rehabilitation of young delinquents. Shown in this paper are similar or different ways of addressing juvenile crimes in these states. In California, juveniles age 17-24 years old are detained for infringements of court orders; evasion from obligation; if the juvenile has a possibility to escape; for the protection of the juvenile or society; and if the juvenile is incriminated in certain felonies. As a disposition or as a sanction for breach of trial, aside from holding young offenders in protected detention before juvenile court judgment, sentencing, disposition and consignment, a court may take a delinquent to a juvenile hall, foster care or group care; or released to parents for home confinement. In North Dakota, 17-20 year-old offenders are held in detention for his or society’s protection; if there is a possibility of escape or from being removed from court rule; in cases when the offender has no parent or guardian; or in cases when the juvenile court has issued a detention order. The state’s detention is given in 7 regional juvenile detention centers managed by the county or associations of var ious counties, or by the North Dakota Division of Juvenile Services provided at the Youth Correctional Center. Detention of juveniles in South

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Business Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

International Business Policy - Essay Example Added to that the purchasing power dazzled one and all and Multinationals of all hues went headlong to get a piece of the action. It has been ascertained that both India and China are quite similar and are perusing similar liberalization policies. Culturally too there is affinity and therefore investing in China will be a wise move. As a growing garment exporter to the world with an annul turnover of over Rs 5000 crores, equivalent to $ 1.25 billion the House of Pearl Fashions Ltd (HPF) are faced with a dilemma of competition from China. With the onset of a quota free regime US and European countries are free to buy their requirements from any country of the world and China as a source of cheap labour as well as due to its effective control on the Yuan has emerged as a strong contender against export of Indian garments. HPF is actively considering converting this threat into an opportunity. They already have a trading presence in China through a wholly owned subsidiary Northwest Trading, the next logical step should be to set up a manufacturing unit in one of their special economic zones and make it another exporting hub taking advantage of their labour and currency factors. (House of Pearl). Prior to reforms the Chinese maintained an overvalued currency but with expansion in foreign trade IMF estimates that the Chinese currency lost about 70 percent of its value against the dollar in real terms over the period from 1980 and 1995, substantially enhancing the international competitiveness of China-based export operations. (International Monetary Fund 1996, 50a) China has a free currency system and conversions are allowed freely. But the currency of the land the Yuan is frozen against foreign currencies of the world. As against this there is no free conversion of currencies in India but the Indian Rupee is kept on a floating basis viz-a-viz foreign currencies and this is the reason of our competitiveness being challenged by

Monday, July 22, 2019

Marketing Situational Analysis Essay Essay Example for Free

Marketing Situational Analysis Essay Essay The following essay is a situation analysis of the macro-environment for a Melbourne based Australian phone cover manufacturing organisation, called Kind. Kind creates a range of covers for all types of mobile phones which are recyclable, biodegradable and trendy. Kind conducts their own research, development, design and manufacture. The organisation was founded by a group of generation Y, tech savvy and environmentally conscious people who saw an opportunity to create accessories in an industry considered to be consumerist. A view supported by Downie and Glazebrook (2007), â€Å"Mobile phones have been described as the ultimate example of consumerism. †(p. 1). Kind’s idea for their latest range of covers specifically include hypo colour, (cover changes colour when activated by heating or cooling through personal touch), mood sensitive covers (cover changes colour relative to the emotion being felt by the person), and gel moulded covers with finger grips. They believe their value proposition is to provide a range of products that offer their customers socially responsible fun, feelings and functionality by being a customer-centred company. The following discussion under the sub-headings will analyse the six components of the mobile phone industry macro-environment specifically identifying trends that may impact Kind’s target market, marketing-mix and planned marketing strategies. Demographic â€Å"The demographic environment shows a changing age structure in the population, changing family patterns, geographic population shifts, a better-educated and more-white-collar population, and increasing ethnic diversity.†, (Kotler, Brown, Adam, Burton Armstrong, 2010, p. 160). This holds true for Kind’s market in Australia with the population ageing, birth rates falling and increased life expectancy, older people are predicted to outnumber younger people by 2050. This may pose a potential threat to Kind’s target market in that there will be greater competition for customers entering the market or more creativity required to find new markets. Kind may need to expand their product range to cater for the older generations with covers that address issues like restricted mobility and loss of coordination from conditions such as arthritis. Reinforced by Kotler, et al., (2010) â€Å"The Boomer market will only grow in importance in coming years, as more boomer reach retirement age.† (p. 145). This is a trend that Kind should keep a close eye on and begin research and development in. Looking at Australia’s current family pattern Kotler, et al., (2010), states â€Å"smaller family sizes resulting from a desire to improve personal living standards, the increased number of women working outside the home†, (p. 141), supports the view that there is market for the mobile phone industry because the parents feel there is a security need to stay connected to their children. â€Å"For children aged 5-8 years, almost all of them (95%) used their mobile phone more to contact family (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010). This new group is otherwise referred to as â€Å"’tweens’ aged between six and 13.† (Downie Glazebrook, 2007, p. 1). It must be noted that Kotler, et al., (2010) defines the tweens as aged between 10 and 14, regardless, this group is increasing in market share and are demonstrating a trend towards strong purchases of entertainment products. Added pressure is placed on parents by the tweens who have grown up accustom to consumerism and â€Å"are motivated by status and aesthetics in their purchasing decision.† (Downie Glazebrook, 2007, p. 1). This trend may be met by the inter-changeability of mobile phone covers because they are an economical means of maintaining the tweens attention and status with their existing phones. An economical argument for parents to easily identify with and one which Kind can target. Kind has a product that appeals to a variety of demographic group for varying reasons. The youth group, often further defined as Generation X and Y demonstrate trends which Kind should consider when analysing their target market. Generation X is environmentally conscious, financially wary, value quality and is well educated, contributing to the growth in white-collar population significantly. Generation Y are technically savvy, communicate using mobile phone, email and chat rooms and have driven the â€Å"Markets for teens’ toys and games, clothes, furniture and food† (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 144). Whilst they are often viewed as selfish, statistics support the fact that they are â€Å"a civic-minded generation with a conscience†, (McQueen, 2007, p. 43). â€Å"figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics which showed that in 2002, 28% of young people aged 18-24 had undertaken voluntary work in the previous 12 months†, (McQueen, 2007, p. 43). A response to these characteristics may be a marketing-mix which communicates the social conscious benefits of Kind’s products whilst promoting the professional business use it also contains and the interchange ability making the product fun, easily. Kind would be remiss to not target the civic-mindedness of Generation Y by setting up a charity fund or trade-in cover exchange that gives something back to the community. Given Kind’s target market is Australia wide, population changes between states is not really relevant. However, shifts between rural and urban areas should be considered given the Australia Bureau of Statistics (2010) reports increases in urban population and decline in rural populations, particularly those affected by drought. The relevance in this statistic is that more households with access to mobile phones are located in the metropolitan area, Australia Bureau of Statistics (2010). Economic In developed countries such as Australia, mobile phones are moving towards no longer being considered a luxury item and more one of necessity given the use of mobile phones as the preferred method of communication for generation Yers and white-collar Xers use as a business tool. The Bureau of Australian Statistics (2007) survey results have indicated a 7.7% growth in communications services each year on average with most of this attributed to the household use of mobile phone and internet services. This is relevant to the consumer spending habit in the current economic context which has affected income levels and household expenditure. â€Å"More recently, the global financial crisis has led to a sharp decline in demand for luxury products, as more people have become unemployed, or are unsure of their job security.† (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 149). This is a win-win situation for a mobile phone cover manufacturer given that sales will continue at a steady rate or if people do decide to maintain an existing mobile phone, they will want to ensure that it is adequately protected to last longer or give it a new look, therefore the consumers spending pattern is less likely to alter for this kind of product. Natural Environment Kind creates a range of covers for all types of mobile phones which are recyclable and biodegradable which would place their products in a very favourable position from a pollutant perspective. â€Å"Some trend analysts believe that the decade after 2010 will be seen as the ‘Earth Decade’ and that protection of the natural environment will be the main worldwide issue facing business and the public.† (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 151). Kind would be wise to examine their use of non-renewable resource they may use in the production of their products as well as the operations of their organisation. It is not just about the products they product being environmentally friendly, but the way in which they produce them as well. Knowing their carbon footprint and those within their supply and distribution chains would speak volumes. Even the way in which they market their products could be an opportunity to reinforce their green message, i.e. no use of print media in the marketing-mix. Kind has to also keep up with the issues affecting the mobile phone issues, such as the growing public concern of the mineral tantalum use in mobile phones. Research using Wikipedia (2010), reports that this is a product which is mined, with great affect on the natural environment. Exports of this mineral have been cited as helping to finance present-day civic conflict over areas in the Congo which are abundant in natural resources. Kind may find benefit in highlight the fact that the use of their product protects the longevity of a mobile phone, thus minimising the reliance on mining and people may actually view a purchase of this product as actually helping the people in Congo. Technological The fast pace of technological advance is probably the most challenging aspect to Kind’s products. Given the current variety of shapes and sizes of mobile phones in the market and the constant stream of new models, keeping up with this market requires Kind to be highly adaptable and have the ability to implement changes in products quickly. It may be savvy to target only the most popular makes and models dependant on the demographic being targeted. Political â€Å"The political environment consists of laws, government agencies and pressure groups that influence and limit various organisations and individuals in a given society.† (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 155). Given that Kind is a manufacturing business, distributing Australia wide, they need to keep abreast of developments which may affect manufacturing and marketing throughout all the States and Territory. Kind will be required to ensure that any packaging they develop conforms with current legislation along with any competitions run Australia wide meet all the State laws on gaming and lotteries. Again, in with reference to the mobile phone industry, who are in media reports regarding concerns over public health risks from the radio waves they emit causing an uncommon form of brain tumour as discussed by Lavelle (2005), Kind could assign some research and development actions towards addressing a solution to these concerns. This could be view by consumers as dangerous positioning as they are actually agreeing with a pressure group that there is a risk and attacking the market that directly feeds them. Cultural â€Å"The cultural environment shows long-run trends towards the use of branded products as a means of self-expression, decreasing organisational loyalty, an increasing appreciation for nature, and a search for more meaningful and enduring values.† (Kotler, et al., 2010, p. 160). Kind produces products which fit this trend fantastically as long as they market their environmental and social conscience and continue to develop products which allow the consumer to express themselves. The cultural environment is made up of secondary beliefs. Central to societies need to communicate is the belief that they cannot do so unless they have a mobile phone. It could be argued that the secondary belief is that they have to look good and have the trendiest cover while they do it supported by Kotler, et al., (2010). â€Å"Many people use products, brands and services as a means of self-expression†, (p. 157). There may also be an opportunity for Kind to tap into the different subcultures as they are open to shifts in values and are impacted by popular activities. The possibilities are endless for Kind, in that if their organisation is highly adaptable, and new product lines can be easily implemented, they can keep pace with these subcultures. For example, monthly covers with the latest number one hit music artist on it. Kind can decide to take a proactive approach to the marketing and really build their products into something that shapes public opinion. As an example, the health risk on mobile phones and the potential for Kind to capitalise on providing a solution may seem risky but they are could make a real statement, leading the way and would be shaping the public opinion. Conclusion Kind’s analysis of target market has demonstrated that are a few areas demographically that hold value. These are the change in age structure with Baby Boomer demands on a solution for mobility and coordination issues, Gen X parents demanding to feel safer by being connected to their children, but notably highly influence in their purchasing decisions by the status and aesthetic tweens and finally the youth groups demanding to be socially networked via technology. Economic trends are not of great concern on these target markets as the need to communicate using mobile phones is demonstrating continued strong growth. The predicted trend towards the ‘Earth Decade’ being the main worldwide issue provides the greatest opportunity for Kind. Their marketing-mix, product range and company values are well positioned to maximise the benefits associated with this trend. Kind is in an industry that is at the forefront of technological advances and must pay close attention to ensure that they maintain connection meaning they may have to restrict their product line to only the most popular makes and models. Political and cultural trends on the health risks associated with mobile phones are a concern to the target market. However, the consumers appear to be remaining ignorant. This could be an opportunity for Kind, but the risks associated with this should be carefully researched before taking any action. The long-run trend towards an appreciation of nature and products being used to express ones self is primed for the products that Kind produces. Further supported by the secondary belief that people have to look good while they communicate using their phone is an almost perfect market for Kind’s products. The adaptability of Kind’s products and organisation can easily lend itself to different subcultures and any such changes within them. In summary, Kind’s value proposition, to provide a range of products that offer their customers socially responsible fun, feelings and functionality by being a customer-centred company, has a large potential market with what appears to be matched by an actual market. The key is to translate this into demand. References Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2010). Measures of Australia’s Progress, Communication, Children and Mobile Phones, Australia. Cat. No. 1370.0. Retrieved from http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[emailprotected]/Lookup/by%20Subject/1370.0~2010~Chapter~Children%20and%20mobile%20phones%20( Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2003). Measures of a Knowledge-based Economy and Society, Australia, 2003. Cat. No. 1377.0. Retrieved from http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/[emailprotected]/46d1bc47ac9d0c7bca256c470025ff87/817903E27C4FFBE0CA2571960017E512 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2010). Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2008-9. Cat. No. 3218.0. Retrieved from http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[emailprotected]/Products/3218.0~2008-09~Main+Features~Main+Features?OpenDocument#PARALINK11 Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2007). Australian Social Trends, Trends in Consumption. Cat. No. 4102.0. Retrieved from http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[emailprotected]/Latestproducts/0485BB5550FE5799CA25732C00207C77 Downie, C. Glazebrook, K. (2007), â€Å"Mobile phones and the consumer kids†, Australian Institute Research Paper, No. 41. Retrieved from https://www.tai.org.au/documents/downloads/WP97.pdf Kotler, Brown, Adam, Burton Armstrong (2010), Marketing (8th Edition), Pearson Education, Sydney, NSW. Lavelle, P. (2005). â€Å"Mobile phone: a health risk?†, ABC Heath Wellbeing, The Pulse. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/health/thepulse/stories/2005/01/27/1285335.htm McQueen, M. (2007). The ‘New’ rules of Engagement, Hyde Park Press, Richmond, SA. Wikipedia. (2010). Coltan. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coltan

Chinese Cuisine in the United States

Chinese Cuisine in the United States Since last century, Chinese food has become very popular throughout the United States. The history of American Chinese food begins before the 20th century. During the Gold Rush in California, a lot of Chinese immigrants came to the United States to build railways. They started making Chinese food in the United States, and after the Second World War, numerous numbers of Chinese restaurants have been built in this country. Since that time, people can easily find a Chinese restaurant in any city of any state. The reason why Chinese food is so popular in America is because many Americans love it. Although, most Americans do not actually know that most of the Chinese food they are eating in the United States is not authentic. American Chinese food tend to focus more on American style cooking, and contrast significantly from tradition Chinese food. Most Chinese food in the United States is deep-fried or stir-fried, but authentic Chinese food is not. Americans should know that they have the option for a better Chinese diet, which is more delicious and healthier. American Chinese cuisine should be replaced by authentic Chinese cuisine because American Chinese cuisine is unhealthy for us due to the cookings poor quality. Chinese American cuisine started adapting to unhealthy cooking methods. The foundation of American Chinese food started when Chinese immigrants arrived in the United States. The first group of Chinese immigrants came from the Guangdong Province of China mainland. When they just arrived in the United States, they tried to make their hometown food. It was impossible for them to find raw food materials and traditional ingredients here. Cooking authentic Chinese food has a stringent requirement for raw food materials; the requirement requires all meat and vegetable products to be fresh. The Chinese immigrants only used all of what they could find for cooking. When railroad work was no longer available, the Chinese workers started to open restaurants. Their main customer groups were Caucasians Americans and Americans usually prefer a sweeter taste in their food. Thus, in order for the Chinese immigrants to make profits from their restaurants, the Chinese food chefs had to alter the taste of their hometown food to satisfy their local customers. Traditional Chinese food is usually saltier with rich flavors. Although, sugar is a very common ingredient for most dishes in the United States, so Chinese food chefs eventually started using sugar far more often for their dishes. Not only that, MSG (monosodium glutamate) is used very often in American Chinese cuisine for a flavor enhancer to stimulate the customers appetite, and to mask meats that are not fresh. Some problems MSG can lead to are diabetes, headaches, obesity, and addiction to MSG products. All these methods are definitely not a natural and healthy way to make food, leading American Chinese foods with higher fats and calories. The lack of professional chefs is another reason to explain why American Chinese food is dissatisfactory. As mentioned above, the earliest Chinese food chefs were railroad workers. They had never been trained to cook. In China, there are a lot of cooking schools. They provide different styles of cooking lessons and a beginner normally needs to spend two years to graduate. There are also eight distinct Chinese cuisines in China: Shandong, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Fujian, Hunan, and Anhui. However, American Chinese cuisine only develops from Guangdong cuisine, so many other authentic Chinese cuisines have not even been exposed in America widely. American Chinese chefs though, they usually learn of the skills from other previous chefs and lack a lot of experience and knowledge. As mentioned previously about adding sugar to their dishes, a lot of cooks use it as a method to cover their inexperienced cooking techniques and make their dishes taste more desirable to the Americ an taste. The American Chinese chefs eventually started to create their own dishes as well. Today, a very popular and good example would be Orange chicken. Orange chicken is deep-fried chicken covered with sweet soy sauce. It is the most popular Chinese dish in the United States and it is usually served at most Chinese restaurants. Unfortunately, in China, no one has ever heard of Orange chicken because the American Chinese chefs created it in the U.S. Therefore, many American Chinese dishes you may have experienced in the U.S., could be foreign to many people in China. American Chinese cuisine is also fast food. The bad dietary habit of Americans leads American Chinese food to be unhealthy. Americans like fast food, so Chinese American restaurants often cook quickly. They normally can prepare one dish in five minutes, but in an authentic Chinese restaurant, a dish would normally take more than fifteen minutes. How can they cook that much faster? It is because they only use one cooking method, which is frying. Fried foods are most definitely unhealthy for us. It can damage our body and brain in many ways. Fried foods can also cause us to be overweight and lead to obesity. A large percentage of people in the United States have problems with their weight. In recent years, people have turned their attention to their daily diets and claim that it is time to give up fast food. Most people only think restaurants such as McDonalds or KFC are fast foods, but American Chinese cuisine is also considered fast food. The quality of the food is poor and cooking a uthentic Chinese cuisine takes more than simply one method of cooking. American Chinese restaurants simply finish your orders in 5 minutes! You can either sit down to eat it or take it home. When you order Chinese take out and go back home to enjoy your delicious orange chicken, you call your friend and tell him you are having Chinese foodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦No! That is not Chinese food. It is American Chinese food and that is fast food. However, many Americans would disagree with the idea of replacing American Chinese food with authentic Chinese cuisine. The Chinese cuisine in America is westernized to appeal to Americans and that is what they are most familiar with. It would be equivalent to taking their Chinese food away, because technically American Chinese food was invented and invested in America. The Chinese food here is deep-fried, grease-soaked, and as well as imitated (i.e. imitation crab). That sounds a lot like most American foods and replacing American Chinese cuisine would be the same as taking away Americas invention of Chinese food. Another factor is complication. The idea of replacing American Chinese cuisine with authentic Chinese cuisine would most definitely use a lot more money and time. That time and money would go into training new chefs, establishing new restaurants, investing in many new cooking styles, and the list would go on. Also, most Chinese restaurants in America are well established a nd are spread across the states. It is not easy to change something that became successful in its own ways. It is not saying authentic Chinese cuisine is bad, but Americans find American Chinese food good, and in America, if something is good, then there doesnt need to be change. It is true that changing American Chinese food to authentic Chinese food will be complicated, but that complication is worth the investment. Unlike the American Chinese cuisine, authentic Chinese food is a lot healthier. Food is very important to Chinese culture. Most Chinese people are highly likely to pay attention to their daily food. The most important nutritional concept is Yin and Yang. Yin means cold. Yang means Hot. Every food has a specific way of heating or cooling humans body. For example, most spicy foods and meats are generally thought to be Yang. Then, green vegetables and soup are thought to be Yin. An authentic Chinese chef would know of the concept and know how to incorporate the concept to make a balanced meal. In an American Chinese restaurant though, meat is always the main role on the table, which is totally against with the Yin and Yang concept. Authentic Chinese cuisine not only promotes a more balanced meal, it promotes a healthier diet, and this is important for changing the bad dietary habit in America as mentioned earlier. Of course an investment such as this would take up a lot of time and money. It doesnt hurt to start small or at least give it a try. Already well-established American Chinese restaurants should consider lowering the number of fat contents and calories as well as balancing their meals in order to promote a healthier diet. New Chinese restaurant chefs should consider going through extensive training, study Chinese culinary, or develop different choices of authentic Chinese cuisine other than the main Guangdong cuisine that most people are familiar with. Yes, if something is good and familiar to us why change it? Although in America, they also love change! If the change is for the better, why not give it a try? America should certainly attempt some effort to give authentic Chinese cuisine a try. Chinese cuisine restaurants are still spreading rapidly throughout America. Americans should know they have the choice for a more delicious and better diet, therefore Chinese cuisine should be replaced by authentic Chinese cuisine because American Chinese cuisine is unhealthy for us due to the cookings poor quality. Most American Chinese restaurants adapt to unhealthy cooking methods, inexperience techniques, and also Americans should know that most Chinese food they are eating is also considered unhealthy fast food. There should be a Chinese food revolution; people should limit themselves fried Chicken and sweet meat as a choice for Chinese food. The only way to escape from this vicious circle fast is to hire many professional educated Chinese chefs from China and start establishing from there on. However, realistically speaking that may be far complicated and may cost a lot of money. Then again, if the change is worth the investment people should certainly give it a try. Some small starting up ideas include, already established restaurants to alter their meals to promote the Yin and Yang balanced meal concept, new chefs to consider being well educated and trained first, and also encouraging restaurants to create more other authentic Chinese cuisines that differs from todays dominant Guangdong cuisine. Variety will bring more culture to the Chinese cuisine and also shows that Americans have better choices to choose from rather than that orange chicken they always order. A lot of people are guilty of that, but if authentic Chinese cuisine can be brought up in America, then we can start bragging about the real good Chinese food we are having.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Rise of Playboi Carti

The Rise of Playboi Carti The music industry is at a constant change, with new artist coming and going everyday. Yet there are so many artist out there, you can only take the time to actually know of so many. Everyone has their own opinion of what a superstar is and what defines them as one. I believe Jordan Carter also known as Playboi Carti is a superstar that has yet had his big break. I have done tons of research about Mr. Carter that supports he is on the rise and should be a  superstar. For Jordan it all started at Ethereals bachelor pad in Atlanta, where he recorded some songs. Ethereal noticed right away that Jordan was different than just any rapper new to the game, and thats why he loved to work with him. At the time Jordan Carter was still in high school. He almost didnt graduate because he was skipping school all the time to go to the studio and record. Mostly everyone in his high school was enjoying his music, especially the girls. Playboi Carti and Ethereal went on to make many hits like   Lost and Broke Boi. After high school he moved from Atlanta to New York to focus more on his music and success. In March of 2015 Playboi Carti first met Asap Rocky at SXSW in Austin, Texas. Since then he has gone on tour twice, and is now signed to Asap Mob, and Awful Records. Surprisingly there is no mixtape in his career, he is working on an album now, but his success kicked off   from his few singles. I Actually went to one of his concerts in Houston this past November with my girlfriend for his Turnt and Burnt Tour with Asap Ferg and Rob Stone. He had so many fans come out to see him, with so much positive energy in the building, it was probably one of the best nights of my life. He definitely put on a performance I will never forget, and I hope to be able to watch him again live in person one day. Playboi Carti has gained most of his fans through his music, but he has also gained a huge chunk of fans from his clothing style. Some of his favorite brands are Maison Martin Margiela, Rick Owens, and Supreme. For only being 20 he has modeled with multiple brands such as   Drakes OVO   Summer 2016 Lookbook, VLONE, Off-White, and the most recent Kanye West Yeezy Season. He is surely moving up and the best has yet to come. Not only has he modeled with many brands,   he has also collaborated with many artist such as Asap Mob, Frank Ocean, Skpeta, Lil Yatchy, and Lil Uzi Vert who he went on tour with. Playboi Cartis first music video along with his first top hit was WHAT with UnoTheActivist and Asap Rocky. Not including all of his features with other artist, his 18 songs on his Soundcloud all have over 1 million plays, some call him the god of Soundcloud. Growing up he listened to R Kelly, Lil John, Gucci, Young Jeezy, Prince, and Michael Jackson. Asap Mob is a big influence on Carti, he has always wanted to be surrounded by the group, he tries to learn from them. As of today he looks up to Bari, Nast,Michael Jackson, Asap Rocky, and Kurt Cobain. Every morning he gets in the mindset of Do I wanna show out or do I wanna be fly?. The thing about Playboi Carti is he is not afraid to test his limits with his music making ability. He is always listening and thinking about music, he describes his style as grind music, turn up, and flex music. All Playboi Carti wants to do is make people feel motivated by his music and inspire them to be like him. I have been a fan of his for almost two years now and he has yet to disappoint me. I will always look forward to his new music and seeing his face model high fashion brands. He is a superstar to me and I strongly believe Jordan Carter, aka Playboi Carti has everything if not more, to be a superstar to everyone. He started back in 2014 and already made a good name for himself. Playboi Carti is on the rise and will be a legend one day. Work Cited C.M, Emmanuel. Playboi Carti Prepares to Show You the Way With New Mixtape. xxlmag.com. XXL Magazine, 12 Jan. 2017. Web. 7 Feb. 2017. Nirui, Ava. Playboi Carti is Leading a New Generation Of Turn Up Rappers. Oystermag.com. Oyster Magazine, 19 Jul. 2016. Web. 7 Feb. 2017 Russell, Alex. Playboi Carti is Raps Young and Restless Prince.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Complex.com. Complex Music, 16 Sep. 2015. Web. 7 Feb. 2017.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Huanting Of Hill House Essay example -- essays research papers

THE HAUNTING ON HILL HOUSE Eleanor Vance has always been a loner shy, defenseless, and angrily resentful of the 11 years she lost while nursing her dying mother. She had spent so long alone, with no one to love, never had a real home and without any happiness in her life. Eleanor has always sensed that one day something big would happen, and one day it does. She receives an unusual invitation from Dr. John Montague, a man fascinated by "supernatural manifestations." He had been looking for a haunted house all his life. Then He heard about Hill House and he knows that he couldn’t let it go. His intentions with Hill House, was to go there, live there for a while and take notes of everything that occurs within the house, kind of like ghost hunting. So he rents Hill House for three months, organizes a ghost watch, inviting three people who have been touched by unearthly events. A psychic event from Eleanor's childhood makes her qualify to be a part of Montague's unusual study, along with stub born Theodora who was the not thing like Eleanor, and Luke who is the nephew of the owner of Hill House. The reason for him being there is because the family lawyer told Dr. Montague that he couldn’t rent the house without the confining presence of a member of the family during his stay. They all meet at Hill House an estate in New England. This is where i...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing London by William Blake and Westminster Bridge by William Wor

Comparing London by William Blake and Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth William Blake was born in London in 1757. He was taught by his mother at home, and became an apprentice to an engraver at fourteen. In addition to poetry Blake spent much of his time painting. Blake lived on the edge of poverty and died in neglect. His poetry receiving little acclaim while he was alive. ‘London’ was written by Blake in 1789. Taken from Blake’s ‘Songs of Experience’, the style is darker and in a sense depressing. It describes the city after the Industrial Revolution. Blake takes a very negative and hopeless view of the city and the lives of those living within it. He hated the way London was becoming, looking negatively on business and materialism. Blake felt himself as free, and the poem is a comment on others living in London. In the first line of the first stanza, he creates immediate effect as he contrasts the words ‘wander’ with ‘charter’d’, which he goes on to use to describe the Thames River in the following line. Wander suggests a sense of naturally meandering in an open expanse, contrasting greatly with the latter, which referring to the city itself, suggests a sense of narrow enclosed in space. This description leads the reader to envisage a regulated and constrained city, limited by business and materialism. Blake goes on to describe the ‘charter’d Thames does flow.’ This is ironic in the sense that any flow seems to be restricted by the banked in and concreted image of the river that the poet creates – there is nothing natural or beautiful about the Thames any longer. Equally Blake’s repetition of the word mark, while us... ...r for what she does in order to make a living. This is ironic because the business of prostitution is caused in part by the restrictions placed upon the married man. It is also ironic because the married man is what has created the need for, and use of prostitutes. The harlot curses the respectable and polite society because it is they who have created the demand for her, and then look down upon what she does. ‘Blights with plagues’ implies that perhaps she also infects them with some sort of sexually transmitted disease, conceivably as a type of vengeance upon those who shun her. The final words of the poem, â€Å"Marriage hearse† compares marriage to death. The narrator sees marriage as another type of restriction placed upon man by society, marriage is a sort of death in man’s ability to be free to do as he wishes.

Abraham Lincoln Essay -- Biography Biographies Bio

Abraham Lincoln   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. When he was two, the Lincoln’s moved a few miles to another farm on the old Cumberland Trail. A year later, his mother gave birth to another boy, Thomas, but he died a few days later. When Lincoln was seven his family moved to Indiana. In 1818, Lincoln’s mother died from a deadly disease called the â€Å"milk-sick.† Then ten years later his sister died and left him with only his father and stepmother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lincoln traveled to New Salem in April 1831 and settled there the following July. In the fall of 1836 he and Mrs. Bennett Abell had a deal that if she brought her single sister to New Salem he had to promise to marry her. When she arrived he was not to pleased with her because her skin was full of fat. Around seven months later he asked Mrs. Orville Browning to marry him but she said no. Lincoln met his wife to be, Mary Todd, at the grand cotillion in honor of the completion of the new capital building in 1839. They got engaged and a while later he broke off the engagement because she was seeing other men. Around a year later in Springfield on November 4, 1842 Abraham and Mary got married. In 1844, Abraham and his wife were able to purchase their own house in Springfield. It was a one-and-a-half story frame cottage. In May 1843, the Lincoln’s had a son and named him Robert, after the addition to the family they made the house a full two story house. Lincoln had three more sons Edward Baker, William Wallace, and Thomas. Edward died at the age of three, the cause of death was either consumption or pulmonary tuberculosis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1832 Lincoln announced himself a candidate for the state legislature but he was defeated. Then a year later he was appointed postmaster of New Salem and in the fall he became deputy county surveyor. He really wanted a seat in the Illinois legislature so he ran again and was elected with bipartisan support.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lincoln was very interested in being a lawyer, he would walk fifteen miles just to watch the court cases in Boonville, Indiana. Lincoln got a license to practice law after several hard years of teaching himself. By the early 1850s, the Lincoln-Herndon law office had become a leading Springfield firm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chairman of the Senate’s Committee on Territories, Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois came out with a new congr... ... was shot and killed by federal troops who cornered him in a burning barn near Port Royal, Virginia. Seven men and one woman were arrested as accomplices to Booth. Herold, Paine, and Atzerodt were the most active accomplices and were sentenced to death by hanging. O’Laughlin, Arnold, Dr. Mudd were unjustly accused with helping plan the murder, but got life sentences. Edman Spangler got six years and Mary Surratt was sentenced to death for having Booth’s riffle waiting for him that night. On July 7, the three men and one woman were hung.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lincoln did not stay buried at the Oak Ridge Cemetery. His body was kidnapped by a band of ransom-hungry grave robbers, therefore, his body was moved around for the next 36 years. Lincoln was then buried at a spacious memorial of eight acres but grave robbers struck again and as the coffin was half out the police showed up. Under Robert Lincoln’s instructions a hole thirteen feet deep was dug below the main catacomb floor, a four-foot base of cement was laid and an iron cage sunk into it. The coffin would be lowered into the cage and cement poured, creating a block eight feet deep. Finally, Abraham Lincoln can rest in peace. Abraham Lincoln Essay -- Biography Biographies Bio Abraham Lincoln   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky. When he was two, the Lincoln’s moved a few miles to another farm on the old Cumberland Trail. A year later, his mother gave birth to another boy, Thomas, but he died a few days later. When Lincoln was seven his family moved to Indiana. In 1818, Lincoln’s mother died from a deadly disease called the â€Å"milk-sick.† Then ten years later his sister died and left him with only his father and stepmother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lincoln traveled to New Salem in April 1831 and settled there the following July. In the fall of 1836 he and Mrs. Bennett Abell had a deal that if she brought her single sister to New Salem he had to promise to marry her. When she arrived he was not to pleased with her because her skin was full of fat. Around seven months later he asked Mrs. Orville Browning to marry him but she said no. Lincoln met his wife to be, Mary Todd, at the grand cotillion in honor of the completion of the new capital building in 1839. They got engaged and a while later he broke off the engagement because she was seeing other men. Around a year later in Springfield on November 4, 1842 Abraham and Mary got married. In 1844, Abraham and his wife were able to purchase their own house in Springfield. It was a one-and-a-half story frame cottage. In May 1843, the Lincoln’s had a son and named him Robert, after the addition to the family they made the house a full two story house. Lincoln had three more sons Edward Baker, William Wallace, and Thomas. Edward died at the age of three, the cause of death was either consumption or pulmonary tuberculosis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1832 Lincoln announced himself a candidate for the state legislature but he was defeated. Then a year later he was appointed postmaster of New Salem and in the fall he became deputy county surveyor. He really wanted a seat in the Illinois legislature so he ran again and was elected with bipartisan support.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lincoln was very interested in being a lawyer, he would walk fifteen miles just to watch the court cases in Boonville, Indiana. Lincoln got a license to practice law after several hard years of teaching himself. By the early 1850s, the Lincoln-Herndon law office had become a leading Springfield firm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chairman of the Senate’s Committee on Territories, Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois came out with a new congr... ... was shot and killed by federal troops who cornered him in a burning barn near Port Royal, Virginia. Seven men and one woman were arrested as accomplices to Booth. Herold, Paine, and Atzerodt were the most active accomplices and were sentenced to death by hanging. O’Laughlin, Arnold, Dr. Mudd were unjustly accused with helping plan the murder, but got life sentences. Edman Spangler got six years and Mary Surratt was sentenced to death for having Booth’s riffle waiting for him that night. On July 7, the three men and one woman were hung.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lincoln did not stay buried at the Oak Ridge Cemetery. His body was kidnapped by a band of ransom-hungry grave robbers, therefore, his body was moved around for the next 36 years. Lincoln was then buried at a spacious memorial of eight acres but grave robbers struck again and as the coffin was half out the police showed up. Under Robert Lincoln’s instructions a hole thirteen feet deep was dug below the main catacomb floor, a four-foot base of cement was laid and an iron cage sunk into it. The coffin would be lowered into the cage and cement poured, creating a block eight feet deep. Finally, Abraham Lincoln can rest in peace.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Definition of Child Development

A definition of child development Child development is another way of saying how children develop through different stages or how children grow and learn. It also refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between start and the end of adolescence. The developmental areas are physical, emotional, social, educational and cognitive. The ideal development of children is considered vital to society and it is important to understand these areas. These areas are connected to one another. As a child grows in one domain, this will effect and is then influenced by another domain of development.These domains are important in development because they focus on the whole child. New theories and methods have been found due to research in this area, with specific regard to teaching that promotes development in the schools. Also there are some theories that aim to describe a sequence of different states that make child development. Explanation and example of holisti c development Holistic development is an individual’s development in the following areas; intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and religious values and feelings. It is the development of the entire brain's thoughts and feelings.To become a tennis player you need to develop Physical – motor skills, general co-ordination, moving around the tennis court, hand eye co-ordination, hitting the tennis ball with the tennis racket Cognitive/intellectual – thinking the game, having a game plan, Emotion – self-esteem and self – expression some tennis players are quite where some are loud, handling negative moments when losing a match Communication – explaining how you’re playing, reasons for doing good and not so well, Behavioural and moral skills – taking turns in training, co-operating with others, social skills, having fun while playing, team work when playing doubles.General pattern The pattern of development C hildren’s development follows a pattern: From head to toe Development progresses downwards. Physical control and co-ordination begins with a child’s head and develops down the body through the arms, hands and back, and finally to the legs and feet From inner to outer Development progresses from actions nearer the body to more complex ones further from the body. For example, children can co-ordinate their arms, using gross motor skills to reach for an object, before they have learned the fine motor skills necessary to use their fingers to pick it up. During puberty there is another growth spurt; this time the growth starts at the outside of the body and works inwards. Hands and feet expand first; the shin bones lengthen before the thigh, and the forearm before the upper arm; finally, the spine grows). From simple to complex Development progresses from simple actions to more complex ones. For example, children stand before they can walk, and walk before they can skip or hop. From general to specific Development progresses from general responses to specific ones.For example, a young baby shows pleasure by a massive general response – the eyes widen, and the legs and arms move vigorously While an older child shows pleasure by smiling or using appropriate words or gestures. The several aspects of development are intricately linked: each affects and is affected by the others. For example, once children have reached the stage of emotional development at which they feel secure when apart from their main carer, they will have access to a much wider range of relationships, experiences and opportunities for learning.Similarly, when children can use language effectively, they will have more opportunities for social contact. If one aspect is vulnerable or neglected in some way, children will be challenged in reaching their full potential. Areas of development page 2 The areas of development described in this book are these: Physical development Physica l development is the way in which the body increases in skill and becomes more complex in its performance. There are two main areas: Gross motor skills: These use the large muscles in the body, and include walking, running, climbing and the like.Fine motor skills: These include gross skills and fine skills. †¢ Gross manipulative skills involve single limb movements, usually of the arm, for example throwing, catching and making sweeping arm movements. †¢ Fine manipulative skills involve precise use of the hands and fingers, for example pointing, drawing, using a knife and fork or chopsticks, writing or doing up shoelaces. Sensory development Physical development also includes sensory development. Sensation is the process by which we receive information through the senses: vision hearing smell ouch taste proprioception. Proprioception is the sense that tells people where the mobile parts of their body, such as the arms and legs, are in relation to the rest of the body. Cogni tive and language development Cognitive or intellectual development is development of the mind – the part of the brain that is used for recognising, reasoning, knowing and understanding. Perception involves people making sense of what they see, hear, touch, smell and taste. Perception is affected by previous experience and knowledge, and by the person’s emotional state at the time.Language development Language development is the development of communication skills. These include skills in: receptive speech – what a person understands expressive speech – the words the person produces articulation – the person’s actual pronunciation of words. Emotional and social development Emotional development Emotional development involves the development of feelings: the growth of feelings about, and awareness of, oneself the development of feelings towards other people the development of self-esteem and a self-concept. Social developmentSocial developmen t includes the growth of the child’s relationships with other people. Socialisation is the process of learning the skills and attitudes that enable the child to live easily with other members of the community. Moral and spiritual development Moral and spiritual development consists of a developing awareness of how to relate to others ethically, morally and humanely. It involves understanding values such as honesty and respect, and acquiring concepts such as right and wrong and responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Leadership Traits and Principles

The unify States leatherneck army corps has been virtuoso of the closely powerful soldiery branches in the cosmea for more than than twenty-three decades. The close to(prenominal) valuable social occasions that arrive at kept this organization as prestigious and powerful as it is atomic number 18 the famous drawing cards traits, leading conventions, army corps set and the leaders that up adopt those traits. Without these structures, this leadership hierarchy this gun club would not wipe out lasted this long. The next thousand or so words result suffice apologize those traits, dominions and corps values that we hold so high.The counterbalance leadership rule that leave be discussed is one that was commencement ceremony thought to me with Drill Instructors prep us for PFTs and CFTs or whenever we would note analogous liberal up. That leadership principle is make out your self and pay heedk self improvements. This principle was always an important one it meant that in that location is always mostaf pretty you john do to halt yourself better. It involves necking your strength and impuissance and weeing on making them better. intimate ones strength and weakness is the basis of formulating a reliable, bullet proof strategy that exit recrudesce you in and out of either(prenominal) mail service.For fount the recent sluices that occurred subscribe to make me look deeper into this principle, into my instance, into my business leader to improve myself more on the maturity domain. The Second principle that is overly important is Set the example this principle is one of the bases of st faculty and leadership. backdrop the example is a austere function to do at ages, it involves doing the honest thing when no ones looking and when e actu solelyyones looking. scope the example is an important principle to shake up, because to suffer a leader you need to have the appreciate of your peers, they have to know they ki tty trust you to do the right thing at the right time.And by my reachs I staged a lose of perceptiveness of this principle and it is something I have to work on very hard because now, most of my peers and none of my superior trust me to do the right thing. The third leadership principle we argon going to talk close is confine hale and Timely conclusions. creation able to make sound and substantially-timed decision whitethorn be the deflection between life and shoemakers last for you or the oceanics d averstairs your leadership or hitherto your peers or superiors. Being able to make those kind of decisions require maturity, the empathiseing of right and wrong and the force to weight consequences and the risk.If I had the maturity level necessary to break-dance myself from institutionaliseting those chevrons on in the first place I would not be in this situation. Decision argon what defines your quality to former(a)s, it is what shows them who you argon and what kind of though adjoin you have and ultimately how reliable you ar. Be adeptly and tactically proficient eldest rancid it means to know your project. As a naval you essendial contend your ability to execute what was assigned to you, and the ability to accomplish what was assigned to you, and to do that you mustinessiness be capable of answering questions and demonstrate competence in your job specialty. regard is the re fightd of the marine who shows competence. courtesyical and technical competence can be lettered from books and from job preparation. anticipate a well rounded legions education by attending service schools and seeking off duty education. Seek out and link with capable leaders. Observe and study their actions. exsert your knowledge through association with members of other branches of the military. Seek opport building blockies to apply knowledge through the exercise of look out on. Good leadership is build upd whole through practice.Prep be you rself for the job of leader at the next high rank. You are not do training for war once youve earned the title devil dog, you are just getting started. These are things to slide by in object when trying to be proficient. Develop a sense of tariff among your dependents Another way to show your oceans that you are interested In their offbeat is to attain them the opport social unity for handicraftal devisement. placeing tasks and deputation the authority to accomplish tasks promotes mutual office and respect between the leader and subordinates.It too encourages the subordinates to exercise enterprisingness and to give away whole-souled cooperation in the accomplishment of unit tasks. When you decently delegate authority, you demonstrate faith in your oceans and increase their desire for greater responsibilities. If you stag to delegate authority, you indicate a lack of leadership, and your subordinates may take it to be a lack of trust in their abilities. To fou nder this principle you should blend through the fibril of com worldd. declare oneself clear, well thought directions. reas positive(predicate) your subordinates what to do, not how to do it.Hold them liable for results, although overall duty remains yours. delegate enough authority to them to enable them to accomplish the task. destine your Marines frequent opportunities to perform duties unremarkably performed by the next high ranks. Be quick to re roll outnize your subordinates accomplishments when they demonstrate endeavour and resourcefulness. Correct errors in judgment and initiative in a way which willing encourage the Marine to try harder. rid of public criticism or condemnation. Give advice and assistance freely when it is requested by your subordinates.Let your Marines know that you will claim honest errors without punishment in return. Assign your Marines to positions in accordance with demonstrate or potential ability. Be prompt and fair in backing subordin ates. Until convinced otherwise, have faith in each subordinate. bop your Marines and look out for their welfare. This is one of the most important of the principles. You should know your Marines and how they react to incompatible situations. This knowledge can save lives. A Marine who is nervous and lacks self confidence should never be put in a situation where an important, instant decision must be make.Knowledge of your Marines individual(prenominal)ities will enable you, as the leader, to decide how to trump(p) handle each Marine and go under when close supervision is needed. To put this principle into practice flourishingly you should put your Marines welfare in the lead your own correct grievances and abolish discontent. See the members of your unit and let them see you so that every Marine may know you and feel that you know them. Be approachable Get to know and understand the Marines under your command. Let them see that you are determined that they be full watchf ul for battle.Concern yourself with the living conditions of the members of your unit. Help your Marines get needed support from available personal services. Protect the health of your unit by active supervision of hygiene and sanitation. make up ones mind what your units cordial attitude is keep in touch with their thoughts. view fair and sparkake distribution of rewards. Encourage individual development. Provide sufficient recreational time and affirm on participation. Share the hardships of your Marines so you can better understand their reactions keep back your Marines informed. Marines by nature are inquisitive.To promote dexterity and team spirit, a leader should inform the Marines in his unit of all happenings and give reasons why things are to be done. This, of course, is done when time and security permit. Informing your Marines of the situation makes them feel that they are a part of the group and not just a cog in a wheel. Informed Marines perform better and, i f knowledgeable of the situation, can die hard on without your personal supervision. The name to giving out information is to be convinced(predicate) as shooting that the Marines have enough information to do their job intelligently and to inspire their initiative, enthusiasm, loyalty, and convictions.Techniques in applying this principle are to whenever possible explain why tasks must be done and how you intend to do them. As certain(a) yourself, by frequent inspections that immediate subordinates are extremely on necessary information. Be qui vive to detect the spread of rumors. Stop rumors by replacing them with the truth. Build morale and esprit de corps by publicizing information concerning successes of your unit. Keep your unit informed astir(predicate) modern legislation and Regulations affecting their pay, promotion, privileges, and other benefits. Ensure the task is understood, supervised, and accomplished. This principle is necessary in the exercise of command. B efore you can confront your Marines to perform, they must know first what is evaluate of them. You must communicate your instructions in a clear, concise manner. Talk at a level that your Marines are sure to understand, but not at a level so low that would provoke their intelligence. Before your Marines start a task, admit them a chance to ask questions or seek advice. Supervision is essential. Without supervision you cannot know if the assigned task is being flop accomplished.Over supervision is viewed by subordinates as harassment and effectively stops their initiative. permit subordinates to use their own techniques, and accordingly sporadically check their progress. The most important part of this principle is the accomplishment of the mission. All the leadership, supervision, and focusing in the world are nitwitted if the end result is not the successful accomplishment of the mission. In guild to develop this principle you should ensure that the need for an order exi sts before issuing the order. Use the open chain of command.Through study and practice, anaesthetise clear, concise, and positive orders. Encourage subordinates to ask questions concerning any point in your orders or directives they do not understand. Question your Marines to determine if there is any doubt or mistaking in regard to the task to be accomplished. Supervise the execution of your orders. Make sure your Marines have the resources needed to accomplish the mission. falsify your supervisory routine and the points which you strain during inspections. dress your Marines as a team. Every light hour Marines should be trained and schooled, challenged and tested, correct and encouraged with perfection and teamwork as a goal. When not at war, Marines are judged in 15-26peacetime roles perfection in drill, dress, bearing and demeanour shooting self-improvement and most importantly, feat. No excuse can be do for the failure of leaders to train their Marines to the highest read of physical condition and to instruct them to be the very best in the profession of arms. Train with a purpose and emphasize the essential element of teamwork.The sharing of hardships, jeopardys, and hard work strengthens a unit and reduces problems, it develops teamwork, improves morale and esprit and molds a feeling of unbounded loyalty and this is the basis for what makes men fight in combat it is the foundation for bravery, for advancing under fire. Troops dont complain of tough training they seek it and brag about it. teamwork is the key to successful operations. Teamwork is essential from the smallest unit to the constitutional Marine army corps. As a Marine officer, you must insist on teamwork from your Marines. Train, play, and operate as a team.Be sure that each Marine knows his/her position and responsibilities within the team framework. When team spirit is in evidence, the most difficult tasks become oftentimes easier to accomplish. Teamwork is a deuce-way stree t. Individual Marines give their best, and in return the team provides the Marine with security, recognition, and a sense of accomplishment. Employ your command in accordance with its capabilities. Successful finale of a task depends upon how well you know your units capabilities. If the task assigned is one that your unit has not been trained to do, failure is very likely to result.Failures lower your units morale and self esteem. You wouldnt communicate a cook division to PM a vehicle nor would you send three Marines to do the job of ten. Seek out thought-provoking tasks for your unit, but be sure that your unit is prepared for and has the ability to successfully complete the mission. Seek certificate of indebtedness and take responsibility for your actions. For professional development, you must actively seek out challenging assignments. You must use initiative and sound judgment when trying to accomplish jobs that are not infallible by your grade. quest responsibilities also means that you take responsibility for your actions. You are responsible for all your unit does or fails to do. Regardless of the actions of your subordinates, the responsibility for decisions and their application program falls on you. You must surface all orders in your name. Stick by your convictions and do what you think is right, but charter justified and constructive criticism. Never reassign or demote a subordinate for a failure that is the result of your own mistake. The leadership principles are proven guidelines, which if followed, will substantially enhance your ability to be an effective leader.Keep in mind that your ability to implement these principles will watch your opportunity to accomplish the mission, to earn the respect of your fellow Marines, juniors and senior(a)s, and to make you an effective leader. Make these principles work for you. There are 14 leadership traits that a Marine must have. They are Bearing, courage, decisiveness, dependability, e ndurance, enthusiasm, initiative, integrity, judgment, justice, knowledge, loyalty, tact and unselfishness. Bearing is the ability to create a favorable economic crisis in carriage, appearance, and personal conduct at all times.The ability to look, act, and speak like a leader whether or not these manifestations indicate ones true feeling. Courage is a mental lumber that recognizes fear of danger or criticism, but enables a Marine to proceed in the face of it with calmness and firmness. It is also Knowing and standing for what is right, even in the face of popular disfavor. conclusion is the ability to make decisions promptly and to propound them in a clear, forceful manner. The quality of character which guides a person to take in all available facts in a circumstance, weigh the facts, choose and announce an election which seems best.Dependability is the certainty of proper performance of duty. It is a quality which permits a senior to assign a task to a junior with the unde rstanding that it will be accomplished with minimum supervision. Endurance is the mental and physical stamina measured by the ability to withstand pain, fatigue, stress, and hardship. Enthusiasm the presentment of sincere interest and exuberance in the performance of duty. Initiative is taking action in the absence of orders, being a self starter. Integrity is the Uprightness of character and soundness of moral principles. The quality of ingenuousness and honesty.A Marines word is his bond. Judgment is the ability to weigh facts and possible courses of action in order to make sound decisions. umpire is giving reward and punishment harmonize to the merits of the case in question. Knowledge is the reasonableness of a science or an art. The diverge of ones information. Loyalty is the quality of faithfulness to country, the Corps, and unit, and to ones seniors, subordinates, and peers. Tact is the ability to deal with others without creating hostility. Unselfishness is dodging of providing for ones own comfort and personal growth at the expense of others.In September, professorship Obama awarded the bay wreath of watch, the nations most prestigious military award, to Sgt. Dakota Meyer, the marine who saved 36 of his comrades during an skulk in Afghanistan. Meyer was born June 26, 1988 in Columbia, Kentucky where he grew up and attended school. In 2006, later graduation from Green County High School, he enlisted in the Marine Corps at a recruiting station in Louisville, Kentucky and was sent to recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island. later on completing training to be a United States Marine he deployed to Fallujah, Iraq, in 2007 as a Scout Sniper with third Battalion 3rd Marines.He gained depicted object attention for his actions in Afghanistan during his second deployment in Kumar province with Embedded Training Team 2-8. On September 8, 2009, near the liquidation of Ganjgal, Meyer analyseed that three U. S. Marines and a U. S . dark blue corpsman were missing after being ambushed by a group of insurgents. He supercharged into an area known to be live by insurgents and under enemy fire. Meyer last found all four asleep(predicate) and stripped of their weapons, body armor, and radios. With the help of some friendly Afghan soldiers, he locomote the bodies to a safer area where they could be extracted.During his search, Meyer in person evacuated 12 friendly wounded, and provided cover for another(prenominal) 24 Marines and soldiers to escape likely death at the hands of a numerically superior and determined foe. On November 6, 2010, the air force officer of the Marine Corps General throng Amos told reporters during a visit to Camp Pendleton, California, that a living Marine had been nominated for the Medal of Honor. Two days later, Marine Corps Times, an independent newspaper covering U. S. Marine operations, reported that the unnamed individual was Meyer, citing unnamed sources. CNN confirmed the st ory independently two days later.On June 9, 2011, the Marine Corps announced that two other Marines on Meyers team in Ganjgal would receive the dark blue Cross, the second-highest award for valor a Marine can receive. Capt. Ademola D. Fabayo and Staff Sgt. Juan J. Rodriguez-Chavez were recognized for their roles in retrieving the Marines and corpsman. When chairman Barrack Obamas staff called Meyer to lay up a time for the President to inform him that his case for the Medal of Honor had been approved, Meyer was working at his construction job and asked if they could please call him back when he was on his lunch break, which they later did.Dakota then returned to work. Meyer was awarded the Medal of Honor in a ceremony on September 15, 2011. When a White House staffer contacted Meyer to pitch the ceremony, the former Marine asked if he could have a beer with the President. He then current an invitation to the White House the afternoon before the ceremony. Meyer also requested th at when he was honored, coincidental commemorative services should be held at other associated locations to honor the memory of his colleagues who died or were mortally wounded during the ambush.Sgt Meyers by his actions demonstrated all fourteen leadership traits, all the leadership principles and gave an excellent demonstration of the corps values. I cannot compare myself to a man like that, he single handedly demonstrated, corps values, leadership principles and traits, and the leadership skills that are required of a Sgt of Marines, all of which I have failed to demonstrate or am console learning. As previously mentioned, the leadership traits and principles are guidelines. Guidelines that have helped the Marine Corps be part of the most powerful military in the world.Each of these principles, of those traits, corps values are set to help Marines be the best, be part of the best, and do their best in any given situation at any given time. lack of these guidelines result in Ma rines making dumb, unfortunate and unwise decisions. But it is the ability to learn from mistakes and grow from it. I have made a grave mistake I have let down my instructors, my peers, and also myself. But I am also learning from my, understanding why something that didnt look that grave, actually be that big, that important.I am learning that being an NCO is about more than just putting on chevrons on a collar, it is a advance of mind, it is the ability to lead, t involves a higher level of maturity, it involves watching and studying your elders it is something you acquire through long years of blood, sweat, tears, allegiance and more. I may not fully grasp the meaning, or the feeling of erosion these chevrons, but I believe that someday when I reach this rank through blood and sweat, Ill realize how contemptuous it must have been to dare put these chevrons on.